BetSolutions Casino API

Welcome to the BetSolutions Casino API docs. Here you'll find comprehensive guide to help you start working with BetSolutions as quickly as possible. BetSolutions Casino Platform offers a two-way HTTP API with JSON as data format, to implement requests and responses for slots, single and multiplayer games and other casino platform services. The API has simple interface and is designed for easy integration process.


All the data in requests which are made to our API must be sent as JSON

All the data in requests which are made to merchant's API will be sent as POST parameters.

All requests from betsolutions api side are send as a Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

All the data is returned as JSON.

All currencies in requests or responses are based on ISO 4217 - this means: 3 uppercase letters. Examples: USD, EUR, TRY

All countries in requests or responses are based on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 - this means: 2 uppercase letters. Examples: US, GB, TR

All dates in requests must be in merchant's timezone and formated with: 'MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss'.

All dates in responses are in merchant's timezone.

Supported languages: en-US, ru-RU, ka-GE, tr-TR, fa-IR, it-IT, uk-UA, pt-PT, es-ES, ko-KR, fr-FR, hy-AM, ar-AE, zh-CN

There two modes for integration : seamless and transfer. For seamless mode you need to implement all functions except: Deposit (Transfer), Withdraw (Transfer) and Get Balance (Transfer). In case of transfer mode, you need to implement all functions except: Bet (Seamless), Win (Seamless), CancelBet (Seamless), ChangeWin (Seamless) and GetBalance (Seamless)

Hash is calculated with this function:

In case of seamless mode, slots use user's currency, 'Bet', 'Win', 'CancelBet' and 'GetBalance'(seamless) calls will contain user's currency. All other products will work in network's currency. 'Bet', 'Win', 'CancelBet' and 'GetBalance'(seamless) calls will contain network's currency.

In case of transfer mode, all products will work in network's currency. 'Deposit', 'Withdraw', 'GetBalance' calls will contain network's currency.

You can use our Casino SDK (nuget package) (composer package) (jar lib) to call our API.

1.0. API Integration Diagram


1.1. Auth
In order to authenticate user, merchant must generate public token and redirect user to with parameters listed below. This pubic token must be active during 1 minute on merchant side. All games on desktop devices must be opened in iframe, except table games.
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 Token string Yes* (Not required when IsFreeplay = 1) Player's public token
2 MerchantId int Yes Merchant's unique identifier
3 Lang string Yes Player's language
4 GameId int Yes* Game Id (*not required in table games)
5 ProductId int Yes Product Id
6 IsFreeplay int (1 - yes, 0 - No) No* *Works only for slot games
7 Platform string Yes 'desktop' or 'mobile'
8 Flags string No Available flags : HideBalance, HideLang_{lang} (ex: HideLang_en-US) tags can be multiple separated by ',' ex: HideBalance,HideLang_en-US
After that step, we will call Auth function, which will return private token. Most of further communication will happen with this private token.
You can use our gameStart library to open games (recommended method). It resizes game window when game is opened in iframe and solves some sound issues. You must include gameStart library in your html and call Charismatic.Casino.GameStarter.startGame function with config object. parameters of the config object are listed below.
Start Game Config Parameters
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 Token string Yes* (Not required when IsFreeplay = 1) Player's public token
2 MerchantId int Yes Merchant's unique identifier
3 Lang string Yes Player's language
4 GameId int Yes* Game Id (*not required in table games)
5 ProductId int Yes Product Id
6 IsFreeplay int (1 - yes, 0 - No) No* *Works only for slot games
7 Platform string Yes 'desktop' or 'mobile'
8 IframeContainerId string Yes* (if gameOpenType is iframe) id of html element where iframe will be created
9 IframeId string Yes* (if GameOpenType is iframe) id of iframe which will be created
10 GameOpenType string (iframe or redirect) Yes Game Open Type
11 AuthUrl string Yes Auth website url
12 TableGamesLobbyPageId int (1 - cash, 2 - tournaments, 3 - missions, 4 - history) Yes* (if productId is 1) Table Games Lobby Page. Only Works if you pass gameId parameter.
13 WindowWidth int No Width of current window. Default is 1280.
14 ResizeWindow bool No If set true, Window will be resized and adjusted for game according to 'WindowWidth' parameter
15 Flags string No Available flags : HideBalance, HideLang_{lang} (ex: HideLang_en-US) tags can be multiple separated by ',' ex: HideBalance,HideLang_en-US
Example of starting slot game
Example of starting Provably fair game
Example of starting table game

2. Methods

2.1. Auth
Http Method
{URL is defined by merchant}
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 publicToken string Yes Public token
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 PrivateToken string (Max length 100) Player's private token (on every request merchant must return new unique token)
2 StatusCode int StatusCode
2.2. Deposit
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: Amount, Currency, MerchantId, TransactionId, Token, UserId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 Amount int Yes Amount of money
2 MerchantId int Yes Merchant's unique identifier
3 TransactionId string (50) Yes Merchant's unique identifier for transaction
4 Token string (100) Yes Player's private token (we will call "GetPlayerInfo" function with this token)
5 UserId string (100) Yes Player Id
6 Hash string Yes Hash
7 currency string93) Yes currency
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 TransactionId string (100) Transaction Id
3 Balance int Current Balance
2.3. Withdraw
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: Amount, Currency, MerchantId, TransactionId, Token, UserId, Key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 Amount int Yes Amount of money
2 MerchantId int Yes Merchant's unique identifier
3 TransactionId string (50) Yes Merchant's unique identifier for transaction
4 Token string (100) Yes Player's private token (we will call "GetPlayerInfo" function with this token)
5 UserId string (100) Yes Player Id
6 Hash string Yes Hash
7 Currency string (3) Yes Currency
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 TransactionId string (100) Transaction Id
3 Balance int Current Balance
2.4. Get Balance
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: Currency, MerchantId, Token, UserId, Key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant's unique identifier
4 Token string (100) Yes Player's private token (we will call "GetPlayerInfo" function with this token)
5 UserId string (100) Yes Player Id
6 Hash string Yes Hash
7 Currency string(3) Yes Currency
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Balance int Current Balance
2.5. Bet
Merchant must implement this function to make possible making bets
Http Method
{URL is defined by merchant}
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: Amount, BetTypeId, CampaignId, CampaignName, Currency, GameId, ProductId, RoundId Token TransactionId Secret Key, . Hash must be generated with SHA 256.
Example of calculating hash
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 token string (100) Yes Player's private token
2 amount long Yes amount of money
3 transactionId string (100) Yes Transaction Id
4 betTypeId int Yes Transaction type (See bet types below)
5 gameId int Yes Game Id
6 productId int Yes Product Id
7 roundId int (64) Yes Round Id
8 hash string Yes Hash
9 currency string (3) Yes Currency
10 campaignId int No Id of current campaign
11 campaignName string (500) No Name of current campaign
Bet Types
# BetTypeId Name Description
1 1 Normal Normal
1 2 FreeSpin FreeSpin
3 3 ReSpin ReSpin
4 16 Lock balance Lock balance
5 18 Tournament buy-in Tournament buy-in
6 46 Drop Drop
7 7 Bonus Bonus
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 TransactionId string (100) Transaction Id in merchant's system
3 CurrentBalance long Current Balance
2.6. Win
Merchant must implement this function to make possible making win requests
Http Method
{URL is defined by merchant}
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: Amount, CampaignId, CampaignName, Currency, GameId, ProductId, RoundId Token TransactionId WinTypeId, Secret Key, . Hash must be generated with SHA 256.
Example of calculating hash
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 token string (100) Yes Player's private token (in case of win you should not check if this token is active, you should check if it exists)
2 amount long Yes amount of money
3 transactionId string (100) Yes Transaction Id
4 winTypeId (see win types below) int Yes Transaction type
5 gameId int Yes Game Id
6 productId int Yes Product Id
7 roundId int (64) Yes Round Id
8 hash string Yes Hash
9 currency string (3) Yes Currency
10 campaignId int No Id of current campaign
11 campaignName string (500) No Name of current campaign
Win Types
# WinTypeId Name Description
1 1 Normal Normal
1 2 FreeSpin FreeSpin
3 3 ReSpin ReSpin
4 17 Unlock balance Unlock balance
5 19 Cancel Tournament buy-in Cancel Tournament buy-in
6 20 Tournament win Tournament win
7 21 Tournament bounty Tournament bounty
8 26 Achievement claim Achievement claim
9 41 Cancel bet Zeppelin Cancel bet
10 44 jackpot Zeppelin jackpot
11 47 Drop Drop
12 7 Bonus Bonus
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 TransactionId string (100) Transaction Id in merchant's system
3 CurrentBalance long Current Balance

If win request is already processed, merchant must return 201 status code.

2.7. Cancel Bet
Merchant must implement this function to make possible cancelling bets
Http Method
{URL is defined by merchant}
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: Amount, BetTransactionId, BetTypeId, Currency, GameId, ProductId, RoundId Token TransactionId Secret Key, . Hash must be generated with SHA 256.
Example of calculating hash
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 token string (100) Yes Player's private token (in case of cancelbet you should not check if this token is active, you should check if it exists)
2 amount long Yes amount of money
3 transactionId string (100) Yes Transaction Id
4 betTypeId int Yes Transaction type
5 gameId int Yes Game Id
6 productId int Yes Product Id
7 roundId int (64) Yes Round Id
8 hash string Yes Hash
9 currency string (3) Yes Currency
10 betTransactionId string (100) Yes Bet transaction id
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 TransactionId string (100) Transaction Id in merchant's system
3 CurrentBalance long Current Balance

If cancel bet request is already processed, merchant must return 201 status code. If bet does not exist in merchant's system, merchant must return 200 status code.

2.8. Change Win (** Only sportsbook instegration **)
Merchant must implement this function to make possible changing wins for sportsbook tickets
Http Method
{URL is defined by merchant}
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: Amount, ChangeWinTypeId, Currency, GameId, PreviousAmount, PreviousTransactionId, ProductId, RoundId, Token, TransactionId, Secret Key. Hash must be generated with SHA 256.
Example of calculating hash
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 token string (100) Yes Player's private token (in case of changeWin you should not check if this token is active, you should check if it exists)
2 amount long Yes amount of money
3 previousAmount long Yes previous amount of money
4 transactionId string (100) Yes Transaction Id
5 previousTransactionId string (100) Yes Previous Transaction Id (Previous transaction may be win transaction or changeWin transaction)
6 changeWinTypeId int Yes Transaction type (See changeWin types below)
7 gameId int Yes Game Id
8 productId int Yes Product Id
9 roundId int (64) Yes Round Id
10 hash string Yes Hash
11 currency string (3) Yes Currency
ChangeWin Types
# ChangeWinTypeId Name Description
1 101 Open Open
2 102 Returned Returned
3 103 Lost Lost
4 104 Won Won
5 105 Cashout Cashout
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 TransactionId string (100) Transaction Id in merchant's system
3 CurrentBalance long Current Balance

If change win request is already processed, merchant must return 201 status code.

2.9. Get Balance
Merchant must implement this function to make possible getting user balance
Http Method
{URL is defined by merchant}
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: Currency, GameId, ProductId, Token, Secret Key, . Hash must be generated with SHA 256.
Example of calculating hash
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 token string (100) Yes Player's private token
2 gameId int Yes Game Id
3 productId int Yes Product Id
4 hash string Yes Hash
5 currency string (3) Yes Currency
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 CurrentBalance long Current Balance
2.10. Get Player Info
Merchant must implement this function to make possible getting user information
Http Method
{URL is defined by merchant}
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: Token, Secret Key, . Hash must be generated with SHA 256.
Example of calculating hash
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 token string (100) Yes Player's private token
2 hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 UserId string (100) User id in merchant's system. UserId must be unique per merchant.
3 UserName string (100) Username in merchant's system. Username must be unique per merchant.
4 FirstName string (100) FirstName of player
5 LastName string (100) LastName of player
6 Email string (100) Email of player
7 CountryCode string (2) Country Code
8 CountryName string (100) Country Name
9 Gender int (1 -> male, 2 -> female)
10 Currency string (3) Currency
11 CurrentBalance long Current Balance
2.11. Get Rake
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, UserId, FromDate, ToDate, GameId, Key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant's unique identifier
5 FromDate date No From Date
5 ToDate date No To Date
5 GameId int No GameId
5 UserId string (100) No Player Id
6 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 RakeData array Array of rake data
3 RakeData.Amount int Rake amount for player
3 RakeData.PlayerId int Player id
3 RakeData.MerchantPlayerId string Player id in merchant's system
3 RakeData.Date date (MM-dd-yyyy) Date
2.12. Get Game List
Name Game Id RTP Product Product Id
Underground Tuning 1 97% SLOTS 2
Captain Of Pirates 2 97% SLOTS 2
The Mystery of Faberge 3 97% SLOTS 2
Drunk santa 4 97% SLOTS 2
Legend of Maasai 5 97% SLOTS 2
BettingShop 6 97% SLOTS 2
PokerRoom 7 97% SLOTS 2
Sultans gift 8 97% SLOTS 2
WW2 9 97% SLOTS 2
Night Life 10 97% SLOTS 2
Backgammon 5000 TABLE GAMES 1
Okey 5001 TABLE GAMES 1
Bura 5002 TABLE GAMES 1
Dominoes 5003 TABLE GAMES 1
seka 5004 TABLE GAMES 1
High low 7000 97% PROVABLY FAIR 3
Zeppelin 7001 97% PROVABLY FAIR 3
Dice 7002 97% PROVABLY FAIR 3
Mines 7003 97% PROVABLY FAIR 3
Plinko 7004 97% PROVABLY FAIR 3
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, Key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant's unique identifier
2 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
3.1. createCampaign
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: CampaignTypeId, EndDate, StartDate, FreespinCount, GameId, MerchantId, Name, BetAmountsPerCurrency, PlayerIds, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 CampaignTypeId int Yes Campaign Type
2 EndDate date Yes End Date
3 StartDate date Yes End Date
4 FreespinCount int Yes Freespin Count Per Player
5 GameId int Yes Slot id
6 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
7 Name string (min length: 10, max length: 500) Yes Campaign name
8 BetAmountsPerCurrency.CoinCount int (from 1 to 5) Yes Coin count
9 BetAmountsPerCurrency.CoinValueId int Yes Coin value id
10 BetAmountsPerCurrency.Currency string (3) Yes Currency
11 PlayerIds string Array Yes Player ids
12 AddNewlyRegisteredPlayers bool No (default: false) Add Newly Registered Players
13 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 CampaignId int Id of the created campaign
3.2. Deactivate Campaign
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, Id, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 Id int Yes Campaign id
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
3.3. get Merchant Slot Configs
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.SlotConfigs.Id int CoinValueId
3 Data.SlotConfigs.SlotId int Slot Id
4 Data.SlotConfigs.MerchantId int Merchant Id
5 Data.SlotConfigs.CoinValue int Coin Value
6 Data.SlotConfigs.Currency string (3) Currency
7 Data.SlotConfigs.Lines int Number of lines
8 Data.SlotConfigs.LineMultiplier int Multiplier for calculating bet
3.4. get Campaigns
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, CampaignId, EndDateFrom, EndDateTo, StartDateFrom, StartDateTo, StatusId, GameId, Name, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 CampaignId int No Campaign Id
3 EndDateFrom date No EndDateFrom
4 EndDateTo date No EndDateTo
5 StartDateFrom date No StartDateFrom
6 StartDateTo date No StartDateTo
7 StatusId int No Status Id
8 GameId int No GameId
9 Name string No Campaign name
10 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
11 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'CampaignTypeId', 'GameId', 'StatusId'
12 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
13 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.TotalCount int Total campaigns count
3 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.Id int CampaignId
4 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.Name string Name
5 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.StartDate string StartDate
6 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.EndDate string EndDate
7 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.GameId int GameId
8 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.CampaignTypeId int CampaignTypeId
9 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.FreespinCount int Freespin Count Per player
10 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.StatusId int StatusId
11 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.MerchantId int MerchantId
12 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.PlayerCount int Player Count
13 Data.SlotCampaignsPagingResult.Campaigns.FilteredCount int Filtered Count
3.5. get Slot Campaign Statuses
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.SlotCampaignStatuses.Id int Campaign Status id
3 Data.SlotCampaignStatuses.Name string Campaign status name
3.6. get Slot Campaign Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.SlotCampaignTypes.Id int Campaign Type id
3 Data.SlotCampaignTypes.Name string Campaign type name
3.7. add Players To Campaign
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: CampaignId, MerchantId, PlayerIds, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 CampaignId int Yes Campaign Id
2 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
11 PlayerIds string Array Yes Player ids
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
4.1.1 get Tournaments
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, EndDateTo, EndDateFrom, GameTypeId, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, StartDateFrom, StartDateTo, TournamentTypeId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 GameTypeId int No Game Type Id
3 EndDateFrom date No EndDateFrom
4 EndDateTo date No EndDateTo
5 StartDateFrom date No StartDateFrom
6 StartDateTo date No StartDateTo
7 TournamentTypeId int No Type Id
8 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
9 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'TournamentTypeId', 'GameTypeId', 'StatusId'
10 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
11 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.TotalCount int Total tournament count
3 Data.Tournaments.Id int Tournament id
4 Data.Tournaments.BetAmount decimal BetAmount
5 Data.Tournaments.StartDate string (nullable) StartDate
6 Data.Tournaments.EndDate string (nullable) EndDate
7 Data.Tournaments.GameTypeId int GameTypeId
8 Data.Tournaments.IsHidden bool IsHidden
9 Data.Tournaments.Prize decimal Prize
10 Data.Tournaments.StatusId int StatusId
11 Data.Tournaments.MerchantId int MerchantId
12 Data.Tournaments.RegisteredPlayerCount int Registered Player Count
13 Data.Tournaments.CreateDate string CreateDate
14 Data.Tournaments.FilteredCount int Filtered Count
15 Data.Tournaments.FinalPoint int Final Round Point
16 Data.Tournaments.Prizes.Id int index of winner's prize
17 Data.Tournaments.Prizes.Percent decimal percent of winner's prize
18 Data.Tournaments.Translations.Name string Name
19 Data.Tournaments.Translations.Lang string Language
20 Data.Tournaments.IsNetwork bool Is Network Tournament
21 Data.Tournaments.MaxPlayerCount int MaxPlayerCount
21 Data.Tournaments.MinPlayerCount int MinPlayerCount
4.1.2 get Backgammon Tournament Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Tournament Type Id
3 Data.Name string Tournament Type name
4.1.3 get Backgammon Tournament Statuses
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Tournament Status Id
3 Data.Name string Tournament Status name
4.1.2 get Backgammon Game Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Game Type Id
3 Data.Name string Game Type name
4.1.5 get Achievements
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, AchievementTypeId, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
7 AchievementTypeId int No Type Id
8 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
9 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'AchievementTypeId'
10 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
11 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.TotalCount int Total tournament count
3 Data.Achievements.Id int Achievement id
4 Data.Achievements.CreateDate string Achievement CreateDate
5 Data.Achievements.AchievementTypeId int Achievement type id
6 Data.Achievements.Count int Count
7 Data.Achievements.MinRank int Min Rank
8 Data.Achievements.Prize decimal Prize
9 Data.Achievements.IsActive bool IsActive
10 Data.Achievements.FilteredCount int FilteredCount
11 Data.Achievements.IsNetwork bool IsNetwork
12 Data.Achievements.Translations.Name string Name
13 Data.Achievements.Translations.Description string Description
14 Data.Achievements.Translations.Lang string Language
15 Data.Achievements.Dice1 int (nullable) Dice1
16 Data.Achievements.Dice2 int (nullable) Dice2
4.1.6 get Backgammon Achievement Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Achievement Type Id
3 Data.Name string Achievement Type name
4.2.1 get Tournaments
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, EndDateTo, EndDateFrom, GameTypeId, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, StartDateFrom, StartDateTo, TournamentTypeId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 GameTypeId int No Game Type Id
3 EndDateFrom date No EndDateFrom
4 EndDateTo date No EndDateTo
5 StartDateFrom date No StartDateFrom
6 StartDateTo date No StartDateTo
7 TournamentTypeId int No Type Id
8 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
9 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'TournamentTypeId', 'GameTypeId', 'StatusId'
10 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
11 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.TotalCount int Total tournament count
3 Data.Tournaments.Id int Tournament id
4 Data.Tournaments.BetAmount decimal BetAmount
5 Data.Tournaments.StartDate string (nullable) StartDate
6 Data.Tournaments.EndDate string (nullable) EndDate
7 Data.Tournaments.GameTypeId int GameTypeId
8 Data.Tournaments.IsHidden bool IsHidden
9 Data.Tournaments.Prize decimal Prize
10 Data.Tournaments.StatusId int StatusId
11 Data.Tournaments.MerchantId int MerchantId
12 Data.Tournaments.RegisteredPlayerCount int Registered Player Count
13 Data.Tournaments.CreateDate string CreateDate
14 Data.Tournaments.FilteredCount int Filtered Count
15 Data.Tournaments.FinalPoint int Final Round Point
16 Data.Tournaments.Prizes.Id int index of winner's prize
17 Data.Tournaments.Prizes.Percent decimal percent of winner's prize
18 Data.Tournaments.Translations.Name string Name
19 Data.Tournaments.Translations.Lang string Language
20 Data.Tournaments.IsNetwork bool Is Network Tournament
21 Data.Tournaments.MaxPlayerCount int MaxPlayerCount
21 Data.Tournaments.MinPlayerCount int MinPlayerCount
22 Data.Tournaments.HasRoyalRule bool Has Royal Rule
23 Data.Tournaments.HasMolodkaRule bool Has Molodka Rule
4.2.2 get Bura Tournament Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Tournament Type Id
3 Data.Name string Tournament Type name
4.2.3 get Bura Tournament Statuses
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Tournament Status Id
3 Data.Name string Tournament Status name
4.2.2 get Bura Game Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Game Type Id
3 Data.Name string Game Type name
4.2.5 get Achievements
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, AchievementTypeId, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
7 AchievementTypeId int No Type Id
8 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
9 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'AchievementTypeId'
10 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
11 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.TotalCount int Total tournament count
3 Data.Achievements.Id int Achievement id
4 Data.Achievements.CreateDate string Achievement CreateDate
5 Data.Achievements.AchievementTypeId int Achievement type id
6 Data.Achievements.Count int Count
7 Data.Achievements.MinRank int Min Rank
8 Data.Achievements.Prize decimal Prize
9 Data.Achievements.IsActive bool IsActive
10 Data.Achievements.FilteredCount int FilteredCount
11 Data.Achievements.IsNetwork bool IsNetwork
12 Data.Achievements.Translations.Name string Name
13 Data.Achievements.Translations.Description string Description
14 Data.Achievements.Translations.Lang string Language
4.2.6 get Bura Achievement Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Achievement Type Id
3 Data.Name string Achievement Type name
4.3.1 get Tournaments
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, EndDateTo, EndDateFrom, GameTypeId, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, StartDateFrom, StartDateTo, TournamentTypeId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 GameTypeId int No Game Type Id
3 EndDateFrom date No EndDateFrom
4 EndDateTo date No EndDateTo
5 StartDateFrom date No StartDateFrom
6 StartDateTo date No StartDateTo
7 TournamentTypeId int No Type Id
8 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
9 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'TournamentTypeId', 'GameTypeId', 'StatusId'
10 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
11 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.TotalCount int Total tournament count
3 Data.Tournaments.Id int Tournament id
4 Data.Tournaments.BetAmount decimal BetAmount
5 Data.Tournaments.StartDate string (nullable) StartDate
6 Data.Tournaments.EndDate string (nullable) EndDate
7 Data.Tournaments.GameTypeId int GameTypeId
8 Data.Tournaments.IsHidden bool IsHidden
9 Data.Tournaments.Prize decimal Prize
10 Data.Tournaments.StatusId int StatusId
11 Data.Tournaments.MerchantId int MerchantId
12 Data.Tournaments.RegisteredPlayerCount int Registered Player Count
13 Data.Tournaments.CreateDate string CreateDate
14 Data.Tournaments.FilteredCount int Filtered Count
15 Data.Tournaments.FinalPoint int Final Round Point
16 Data.Tournaments.Prizes.Id int index of winner's prize
17 Data.Tournaments.Prizes.Percent decimal percent of winner's prize
18 Data.Tournaments.Translations.Name string Name
19 Data.Tournaments.Translations.Lang string Language
20 Data.Tournaments.IsNetwork bool Is Network Tournament
21 Data.Tournaments.MaxPlayerCount int MaxPlayerCount
21 Data.Tournaments.MinPlayerCount int MinPlayerCount
4.3.2 get Okey Tournament Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Tournament Type Id
3 Data.Name string Tournament Type name
4.3.3 get Okey Tournament Statuses
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Tournament Status Id
3 Data.Name string Tournament Status name
4.3.2 get Okey Game Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Game Type Id
3 Data.Name string Game Type name
4.3.5 get Achievements
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, AchievementTypeId, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
7 AchievementTypeId int No Type Id
8 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
9 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'AchievementTypeId'
10 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
11 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.TotalCount int Total tournament count
3 Data.Achievements.Id int Achievement id
4 Data.Achievements.CreateDate string Achievement CreateDate
5 Data.Achievements.AchievementTypeId int Achievement type id
6 Data.Achievements.Count int Count
7 Data.Achievements.MinRank int Min Rank
8 Data.Achievements.Prize decimal Prize
9 Data.Achievements.IsActive bool IsActive
10 Data.Achievements.FilteredCount int FilteredCount
11 Data.Achievements.IsNetwork bool IsNetwork
12 Data.Achievements.Translations.Name string Name
13 Data.Achievements.Translations.Description string Description
14 Data.Achievements.Translations.Lang string Language
4.3.6 get Okey Achievement Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Achievement Type Id
3 Data.Name string Achievement Type name
4.4.1 get Tournaments
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, EndDateTo, EndDateFrom, GameTypeId, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, StartDateFrom, StartDateTo, TournamentTypeId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 GameTypeId int No Game Type Id
3 EndDateFrom date No EndDateFrom
4 EndDateTo date No EndDateTo
5 StartDateFrom date No StartDateFrom
6 StartDateTo date No StartDateTo
7 TournamentTypeId int No Type Id
8 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
9 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'TournamentTypeId', 'GameTypeId', 'StatusId'
10 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
11 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.TotalCount int Total tournament count
3 Data.Tournaments.Id int Tournament id
4 Data.Tournaments.BetAmount decimal BetAmount
5 Data.Tournaments.StartDate string (nullable) StartDate
6 Data.Tournaments.EndDate string (nullable) EndDate
7 Data.Tournaments.GameTypeId int GameTypeId
8 Data.Tournaments.IsHidden bool IsHidden
9 Data.Tournaments.Prize decimal Prize
10 Data.Tournaments.StatusId int StatusId
11 Data.Tournaments.MerchantId int MerchantId
12 Data.Tournaments.RegisteredPlayerCount int Registered Player Count
13 Data.Tournaments.CreateDate string CreateDate
14 Data.Tournaments.FilteredCount int Filtered Count
15 Data.Tournaments.FinalPoint int Final Round Point
16 Data.Tournaments.Prizes.Id int index of winner's prize
17 Data.Tournaments.Prizes.Percent decimal percent of winner's prize
18 Data.Tournaments.Translations.Name string Name
19 Data.Tournaments.Translations.Lang string Language
20 Data.Tournaments.IsNetwork bool Is Network Tournament
21 Data.Tournaments.MaxPlayerCount int MaxPlayerCount
21 Data.Tournaments.MinPlayerCount int MinPlayerCount
4.4.2 get Domino Tournament Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Tournament Type Id
3 Data.Name string Tournament Type name
4.4.3 get Domino Tournament Statuses
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Tournament Status Id
3 Data.Name string Tournament Status name
4.4.2 get Domino Game Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Game Type Id
3 Data.Name string Game Type name
4.4.5 get Achievements
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, AchievementTypeId, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
7 AchievementTypeId int No Type Id
8 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
9 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'AchievementTypeId'
10 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
11 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.TotalCount int Total tournament count
3 Data.Achievements.Id int Achievement id
4 Data.Achievements.CreateDate string Achievement CreateDate
5 Data.Achievements.AchievementTypeId int Achievement type id
6 Data.Achievements.Count int Count
7 Data.Achievements.MinRank int Min Rank
8 Data.Achievements.Prize decimal Prize
9 Data.Achievements.IsActive bool IsActive
10 Data.Achievements.FilteredCount int FilteredCount
11 Data.Achievements.IsNetwork bool IsNetwork
12 Data.Achievements.Translations.Name string Name
13 Data.Achievements.Translations.Description string Description
14 Data.Achievements.Translations.Lang string Language
4.4.6 get Domino Achievement Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Achievement Type Id
3 Data.Name string Achievement Type name
4.5.1 get Tournaments
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, EndDateTo, EndDateFrom, GameTypeId, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, StartDateFrom, StartDateTo, TournamentTypeId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 GameTypeId int No Game Type Id
3 EndDateFrom date No EndDateFrom
4 EndDateTo date No EndDateTo
5 StartDateFrom date No StartDateFrom
6 StartDateTo date No StartDateTo
7 TournamentTypeId int No Type Id
8 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
9 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'TournamentTypeId', 'GameTypeId', 'StatusId'
10 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
11 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.TotalCount int Total tournament count
3 Data.Tournaments.Id int Tournament id
4 Data.Tournaments.BetAmount decimal BetAmount
5 Data.Tournaments.StartDate string (nullable) StartDate
6 Data.Tournaments.EndDate string (nullable) EndDate
7 Data.Tournaments.GameTypeId int GameTypeId
8 Data.Tournaments.IsHidden bool IsHidden
9 Data.Tournaments.Prize decimal Prize
10 Data.Tournaments.StatusId int StatusId
11 Data.Tournaments.MerchantId int MerchantId
12 Data.Tournaments.RegisteredPlayerCount int Registered Player Count
13 Data.Tournaments.CreateDate string CreateDate
14 Data.Tournaments.FilteredCount int Filtered Count
15 Data.Tournaments.FinalPoint int Final Round Point
16 Data.Tournaments.Prizes.Id int index of winner's prize
17 Data.Tournaments.Prizes.Percent decimal percent of winner's prize
18 Data.Tournaments.Translations.Name string Name
19 Data.Tournaments.Translations.Lang string Language
20 Data.Tournaments.IsNetwork bool Is Network Tournament
21 Data.Tournaments.MaxPlayerCount int MaxPlayerCount
21 Data.Tournaments.MinPlayerCount int MinPlayerCount
22 Data.Tournaments.WithRebuy bool With Rebuy
22 Data.Tournaments.RebuyMaxLevel int Rebuy Max Level
4.5.2 get Seka Tournament Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Tournament Type Id
3 Data.Name string Tournament Type name
4.5.3 get Seka Tournament Statuses
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Tournament Status Id
3 Data.Name string Tournament Status name
4.5.2 get Seka Game Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Game Type Id
3 Data.Name string Game Type name
4.5.5 get Achievements
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, AchievementTypeId, OrderingDirection, OrderingField, PageIndex, PageSize, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
7 AchievementTypeId int No Type Id
8 OrderingDirection string no Ordering Direction, values: 'ASC', 'DESC'
9 OrderingField string no Ordering Field, values: 'id', 'AchievementTypeId'
10 PageIndex int Yes Current Page Index
11 PageSize int Yes Page Size
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.TotalCount int Total tournament count
3 Data.Achievements.Id int Achievement id
4 Data.Achievements.CreateDate string Achievement CreateDate
5 Data.Achievements.AchievementTypeId int Achievement type id
6 Data.Achievements.Count int Count
7 Data.Achievements.MinRank int Min Rank
8 Data.Achievements.Prize decimal Prize
9 Data.Achievements.IsActive bool IsActive
10 Data.Achievements.FilteredCount int FilteredCount
11 Data.Achievements.IsNetwork bool IsNetwork
12 Data.Achievements.Translations.Name string Name
13 Data.Achievements.Translations.Description string Description
14 Data.Achievements.Translations.Lang string Language
15 Data.Achievements.Card int (nullable) Card
4.5.6 get Seka Achievement Types
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Id int Achievement Type Id
3 Data.Name string Achievement Type name
5.1.1 get top Winners
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 IncludeOtherMerchants bool No Include other merchant's players in response
3 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Username string Player's username
3 Data.WinAmount decimal Win Amount
5.1.2 get Multiplier History
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Multiplier decimal Multiplier
5.1.3 get jackpot History
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 FromDate Date No FromDate
3 ToDate Date No ToDate
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Amount decimal Jackpot amount
3 Data.Type string jackpot type
4 Data.Date string jackpot win date
5 Data.Currency string Currency
5.1.4 get current Jackpots
Http Method
Request content type
Example of calculating hash and making request
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Amount decimal Jackpot amount
3 Data.Type string jackpot type
4 Data.Currency string Currency
5.1.5 create free bet
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, FinishTime, Amount, MinCashoutMultiplier, PlayerIds, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 FinishTime Datetime Yes FinishTime
3 Amount decimal Yes bet amount
4 MinCashoutMultiplier decimal Yes MinCashoutMultiplier
5 PlayerIds string array Yes player ids
6 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
5.1.6 get top Multiplier sums
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 StartDate Date Yes Start date
3 EndDate Date Yes End date
4 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.Username string Player's username
3 Data.Multiplier decimal Sum of Multipliers
6.1.1 Get Bets
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: BetIds, MerchantId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
5 BetIds int64 array Yes Bet ids
3 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.BetId long Bet Id
3 Data.TransactionId long Transaction Id
4 Data.PlayerId string Player Id
5 Data.Amount decimal Amount
6 Data.Created DateTime Date Created
7 Data.BetType int Bet Type
8 Data.SystemMinCount int? System Min Count
9 Data.TotalPrice int? Total Price
10 Data.BonusBetAmount decimal? Bonus Bet Amount
11 Data.BonusId long? Bonus Id
12 Data.BonusAmount decimal? Bonus Amount
13 Data.OddType int Odd Type
14 Data.WonAmount decimal? Won Amount
15 Data.BetState int Bet State
16 Data.IsRollBacked bool IsRollBacked
17 Data.SysLastUpdateTime DateTime? Sys Last Update Time
18 Data.LastSettlementTransactionId long? Last Settlement Transaction Id
19 Data.Selections.SelectionId long Selection Id
20 Data.Selections.SelectionName string Selection Name
21 Data.Selections.MarketTypeId long Market Type Id
22 Data.Selections.MarketName string Market Name
23 Data.Selections.MatchId int Match Id
24 Data.Selections.MatchName string Match Name
25 Data.Selections.MatchStartDate DateTime Match Start Date
26 Data.Selections.RegionId int Region Id
27 Data.Selections.RegionName string Region Name
28 Data.Selections.CompetitionId int Competition Id
29 Data.Selections.CompetitionName string Competition Name
30 Data.Selections.SportId int Sport Id
31 Data.Selections.SportName string Sport Name
32 Data.Selections.Price decimal Price
33 Data.Selections.IsLive bool IsLive
34 Data.Selections.Basis decimal Basis
35 Data.Selections.MatchInfo string Match Info
36 Data.Selections.IsOutright bool IsOutright
6.1.2 Create Bonus
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: BonusDefId, ExpirationDays, MerchantId, Name, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 BonusDefId long Yes Id of bonus definition in BetConstruct system
2 ExpirationDays int Yes Expiration days
3 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
4 Name string Yes Name
5 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
6.1.3 Get Bonuses
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: CreateTimeFrom, CreateTimeTo, MerchantId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 CreateTimeFrom DateTime No CreateTimeFrom
3 CreateTimeTo DateTime No CreateTimeTo
4 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.BonusDefId long BonusDefId
3 Data.Name string Name
4 Data.ExpirationDays int Expiration Days
5 Data.CreateTime DateTime CreateTime
6.1.4 Create Player Bonus
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: BonusAmount, BonusDefId, ExpirationTime, LoadCreated, MerchantId, PlayerIds, RealAmount, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 BonusDefId long Yes BonusDefId
2 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
3 PlayerIds string array Yes Player Ids (Bonus is created for each provided player)
4 BonusAmount decimal Yes Bonus Amount
5 RealAmount decimal Yes Real Amount
5 ExpirationTime DateTime? No Expiration Time
6 LoadCreated bool Yes LoadCreated (True if created bonus must be present in response body)
7 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.BonusId long Player Bonus Id
3 Data.BonusDefId long BonusDefId
4 Data.PlayerId string Player Id
5 Data.BonusAmount decimal Bonus Amount
6 Data.RealAmount decimal Real Amount
7 Data.Status int? Status
8 Data.CreateTime DateTime Create Time
9 Data.ExpirationTime DateTime? Expiration Time
6.1.5 Get Player Bonuses
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: BonusDefId, CreateTimeFrom, CreateTimeTo, MerchantId, PlayerId, Status, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 BonusDefId long? No BonusDefId
3 PlayerId string No Player Id
4 Status int No Status
5 CreateTimeFrom DateTime No CreateTimeFrom
6 CreateTimeTo DateTime No CreateTimeTo
7 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
2 Data.BonusId long Player Bonus Id
3 Data.BonusDefId long BonusDefId
4 Data.PlayerId string Player Id
5 Data.BonusAmount decimal Bonus Amount
6 Data.RealAmount decimal Real Amount
7 Data.Status int? Status
8 Data.CreateTime DateTime Create Time
9 Data.ExpirationTime DateTime? Expiration Time
6.1.6 Cancel Player Bonus
Http Method
Request content type
Calculating hash
Parameters must be concatenated with | symbol in this order: MerchantId, PlayerBonusId, key . Hash must be generated with SHA 256 algorithm.
Example of calculating hash and making request
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 PlayerBonusId long Yes Player Bonus Id
5 Hash string Yes Hash
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 StatusCode int StatusCode
5.1.4 get current Jackpots
Http Method
Request content type
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 JackpotId int Jackpot Id
2 JackpotName string Jackpot Name
3 Amount Decimal Current Jackpot Amount
4 Currency string Currency
Get Poker Player Daily Info
Http Method
Request content type
# Name Format Is Required Description
1 MerchantId int Yes Merchant Id
2 Date string (MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss) Yes Request Specific Day (without range)
Failed response example (json)
Successful response example (json)
Response Parameters
# Name Format Description
1 PlayerId long Player Id
2 MerchantPlayerId string Merchant Player Id
3 UserName string Username
4 Nickname string Nickname
5 CashBet decimal every bet that player made on cash tables
6 CashWin decimal every win that player made on cash tables
7 CashIn decimal every amount player put on the table , including rebuys on cash tables
8 CashOut decimal every amount that player withdrew from cash tables
9 Rake decimal revenue generated from that player on cash tables
10 TournamentBet decimal every amount that player spent on tournamnets including buy in , rebuy and addon
11 TournamentWin decimal every amount that player won in tournaments , including prize and bounty amounts
12 TournamentRake decimal revenue generated from that player

6. Status codes

Status Codes List
# Status Code Description
1 200 Success
2 201 Already Processed Transaction (should be used in win and cancelbet methods)
3 401 Inactive Token
4 402 Insufficient Balance
5 403 Invalid Hash
6 404 Invalid Token
7 405 Transfer Limit
8 406 User Not Found
9 407 Invalid Amount
10 408 Duplicated TransactionId (should be used in bet, deposit and withdraw methods)
11 409 Session Expired
12 410 Invalid Currency
13 411 Invalid Request
14 412 Invalid Ip
15 500 General Error